Last Friday and Saturday there was the Play-back, we had been retrearcing for a log time and finally it was fantastic. I did five songs. I danced the first song, WE GO TOGETHER from Grease and we adverticed the Musical that we going to do on 21st of June. Then I didn't permofm until the second half and I could see the others songs. It was vey enjoyable above all the MAQUILLATE's song of L'HOME QUE VE DE LA PATATA. After in the interval we could go out of the dresing room and we could se the audience there when the second part started I was exicted because there were only 5 songs left begore my song and I didn't know if we would do the song very well but It was very funny, but for other song we only had 1 song for to change our dresses but we had time. Maria ,Cristina and me danced IN YOUR EYES with Pablo, Aleix and Guillem M. It was fantastic. And finally the end arrived. Everybody was in the stge and we had to sing NO ESTAMOS LOCOS and WE ARE GOLDEN from Mika.
Every easter...

A fantastics moments...

My new little cousin!!
Júlia shoud has been born on the 15th of March but se was prematurely born. She is very beautiful and very cute. Everybody says that she looks like my cousin but I think it is too early to tell. My favourite cousin Jordi(David's brother) is her godfather and Marta's aunt is her godmodhter.
When she was born my cousin sent an sms to me and my sister. It was the best news of the day.In the afternoon my sister and me we went to the Santa Creu's Clinic to visit her. Júlia has got little hands and ears and a a very nice cheeks. But she only opened one eye never opened her eyes at the same time. I took her in my arms and it was very nice.